
Error Corrections

Help Us Keep the Comicverse Accurate and Vibrant!

At Comic Book Compass, we’re dedicated to providing the most accurate and up-to-date information about comic book stores around the world. However, even superheroes can make mistakes! If you come across any errors or inaccuracies while navigating our comic book directory, we’d love your assistance in making Comic Book Compass even more reliable.

How Can You Help With Error Corrections?

If you spot a mistake in a store’s details, notice an incorrect address, or stumble upon outdated information, be our hero by reporting it to us! Your vigilant eyes are crucial in ensuring that every comic enthusiast has an impeccable journey through the comicverse.

Why Report Errors?

  • Community Contribution: By reporting errors, you contribute to creating a more accurate and reliable resource for comic lovers worldwide.

  • Enhanced User Experience: Your input helps fellow comic enthusiasts enjoy a seamless exploration of the comic book stores they love.

  • Gratitude from the Comic Book Compass Team: We appreciate your commitment to maintaining the high quality of information on Comic Book Compass. As a token of our thanks, contributors may even receive special perks and recognition!

Together, Let’s Navigate a Flawless Comic Adventure!

Reporting is Simple: Use the form below!

Report Correction or Error Form

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Where was the error or omission?
Feel free to include as much correct information as possible.

Do not use this form to submit a new or missing shop listing.

This form is for reporting errors found in existing listings.

To list a new/missing comic book shop use our ADD LISTING form.